One of my favorite ways to learn about a topic is to watch a documentary about it. There are so many educational and thought-provoking documentaries out there that serve as amazing resources. I’ve put together a list of my 11 must-watch documentaries related to sustainability, veganism, and health. All of these films have inspired me in some way and I hope they will do the same for you.
1. Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Cowspiracy discusses the impacts factory farming is having on the environment. The key takeaway from this film is that reducing meat consumption and moving toward a plant-based diet is one of the best things we can do as individuals to lower our carbon footprint. Cowspiracy is available on Netflix and you can watch the trailer here.

2. The Game Changers
The Game Changers was released on Netflix last year and has been a pretty big hit. It features several professional athletes from a variety of sports who saw improvements in their athletic performances after adopting a plant-based diet. This documentary presents nutrition information in a straightforward way and includes a few experiments that show the immediate changes that can happen from eating a plant-based meal. I think this is a great documentary for everyone to watch but I’d especially recommend it for men and athletes. Check out the trailer here.

3. Forks Over Knives
Forks Over Knives explores how several chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease, can be managed or even reversed through a whole-foods, plant-based diet. At the center of this documentary are Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and their research into the health benefits of plant-based diets and the power of food as medicine. Forks Over Knives is available on Netflix and you can watch the trailer here.

4. The Need to Grow
One of my favorite documentaries I watched last year, The Need to Grow will open your eyes to the importance of healthy soil. This film discusses the need for regenerative agricultural practices that will not only make our food more nutrient-dense but will also help save the planet. I learned so much from watching The Need to Grow and I’m sure you will, too. For now, you can find this documentary on Amazon Prime and Vimeo On Demand and you can watch the trailer here.

5. The True Cost
If you want to learn more about the fast fashion industry, you’ll definitely want to watch this one. The True Cost is about the people who make our clothes and the effects the clothing industry is having on the planet. It covers workers’ rights, consumerism, pollution, and more. As the title suggests, this documentary wants us to think about the true cost of the clothes we purchase and who is paying that price. This film was an eyeopener for me and sparked my passion for ethical and sustainable clothing. The True Cost used to be available on Netflix but now it’s streaming on Amazon Prime and it’s available to rent or purchase. Check out the trailer here.

6. What the Health
This documentary was created by the same filmmakers who made Cowspiracy but, instead of looking into the environmental impacts of animal agriculture, this one explains the health impacts of animal foods. It also examines why many health organizations continue to promote the meat, dairy, and egg industries despite the growing research into the negative health implications of such foods. What the Health is available on Netflix and you can watch the trailer here.

7. Heal
This film is all about the mind-body connection and how our bodies have the ability to heal. Some of the topics discussed in this documentary are the power of thought, the importance of stress management, and what it means to be truly healthy. If you go into watching Heal with an open mind, I think you could learn a lot and perhaps even change your perception of health. Heal is available on Netflix and you can watch the trailer here.

8. Blackfish
Blackfish aims to reveal the problems within the sea-park industry and the consequences of keeping sentient animals in captivity. At the center of this documentary is Tilikum, a captive orca who was held by SeaWorld and killed 3 people in his lifetime. Blackfish will change the way you think about the captivity of killer whales and other animals, as well. This documentary is available on Hulu and you can watch the trailer here.

9. Dominion
I wasn’t sure if I should include this one but I felt it was necessary to share. Dominion is the most graphic and hard-to-watch documentary on this list. Here is the synopsis: “Dominion uses drones, hidden and handheld cameras to expose the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture, questioning the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom. While mainly focusing on animals used for food, it also explores other ways animals are exploited and abused by humans, including clothing, entertainment, and research.”
As I said, this documentary is incredibly difficult to watch (I cried multiple times when I saw it). However, I think it’s important that we witness the truth of what is happening in these industries that exploit animals. In doing so, we can choose to make more compassionate choices. Dominion is available for free on YouTube and you can watch the trailer here.

10. A Plastic Ocean
A Plastic Ocean documents the negative effects of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems and wildlife. I think many of us are well aware that plastic pollution is a major problem across the globe but to see the effects it is having, to see footage of animals caught in ghost fishing nets or with plastic in their stomachs, is eyeopening. This film forces us to evaluate our own plastic consumption and encourages us to change our habits. A Plastic Ocean is available on Netflix and you can check out the trailer here.

11. Our Planet
Our Planet is a Netflix original documentary series showcasing some of Earth’s natural wonders. There are 8 episodes in this series and each one is stunning and portrays the rich diversity of our planet. This is by far my favorite nature docuseries and I can’t recommend it highly enough. Each episode will leave you in awe of this beautiful planet we call home and remind you that every living being is connected. You can watch the trailer here.

I would love to know if you’ve watched any of these documentaries or if you would add any to this list. Let me know in the comments below!